Feb. 2012 - Mono cartridge "EINS" 1st generation DT101 - Combination of Wood, Bone, Brass, Diamond can look like this!
Aug. 2012 - I decided to attach an "L" at the end of the type designation for every long dose (G type). Why? Because it is "Long"
The image shows an example of a mono cartridge 2nd generation: DT101l. The 2nd generation began with placing a pearl eye (Froschauge) on the head of the cartridge which is inspired by the frog part of a violin bow. Many thanks to Christian who taught me all the techniques and skills for this particular beauty!
Likewise, all short doses (A type) got a "K", the first letter of "Kurz", which means nothing else than "Short". An example of an A type in Video
Aug. 2012 - The old version of the handle looked quite elegant. (see photo from Mono 2nd gen.) But I decided to upgrade to a new shape which will be giving our system additional stability and usability.
It is shorter than the old one and is designed ergonomically.
Sep. 2012 - The first half inch system - Mono cartridge "U-Type" 1st generation - DT101u. Apropos, all Half-Inchs will have an "U" at the end of the type name, the first letter of the word "Unterbau". What else than that? They creep always UNDER a headshell!
The example left is a DT101u+custom made headshell. It was made for Ortofon RMA297. Approx. 31mm from diamond tip to front of tonearm, compatible with Ortofon SPU-a, EMT TSD15. Neumann DST, DST62 etc.
11. Dez. 2013 - A custom finished case for a stereo half-inch system.
A favorable failure - It was the first attempt to engrave a stereo symbol on the head of the cartridge case. TEDESKA has not yet had any stereo pick-ups. But, unfortunately, the first try failed due to a miscalculation of distance between the centres of two rings. Anyway, the customer was delighted with the result.
1. Nov. 2014 - Krefeld AAA Germany. TEDESKA mono-cartridge DT101l was introduced for the first time to the public. Thanks to the generous support of Reinhard (Thöress), it was deployed in the exhibition for several hours.
15. Dec. 2014 - One day, Mr. Kim, an experienced journalist and a loyal customer with us, said to me, "Mr. Lee, it is high time for us to do an interview"
Apr. 2015 - The very first version of Stereo half-inch system - Stereo cartridge 1st generation DST201u (The images left show the prototyp1) OBTW, It is named "OREO" by my sons. It wasn't my intention but I had no choice but to agree. I also tried to build a stereo dose.
The two prototypes DST 201u & DST201l in Video
13-17. May. 2015 -TEDESKA cartridges (mono & stereo) were presented for the first time officially at an Exhibition. The 2015 High-End in Munich Germany.
Feb. 2016 - A stereo version cartridge 2nd generation DST201u (Prototyp2)
New materials: upgraded suspension & damper. Shortened length of cantilever. Bone part on the front is removed (cf.prototype 1). A round recess each side for easier manageability.
Mar. 2016 - The examination was accomplished. An elderly gentlemen was in my laboratory and asked and observed a lot. Irrespective of age or stage, an examination has always to do with butterflies in the stomach. Anyway, I have taken a step forward. I am now a member of the Berlin Chamber of Crafts. The role "design and construction of pick-up systems" must have been created for me.
5-8. May. 2016 -TEDESKAs new cartridges at the 2016 High-End in Munich Germany.
The very first version of stereo cartridges as well as the Hinoki packaging are presented for the first time to the public.
There are moments where you must make a choice, though not always a good choice, for various reasons. Here are the prototypes that no more exist with us.
18-21. May. 2017 -TEDESKA stereo cartridge 3rd generation DST201ua (Generator without iron) was presented for the first time at the 2017 High-End in Munich Germany
TEDESKA has now a new name : TEDESKA Vinyl Groove Pick-up Technology ! Thank you Reinhard! Photos and Video
17-19. Nov. 2017 - TEDESKA made a debut in Poland at the kind invitation of the Moje audio (Poland) at Audio Video Show 2017 in Warsaw. Warsaw was an extraordinarily beautiful city with extraordinarily kind people. (On hearing that my wife caught a chill, everyone gave me some cold pills, so that we could even set up a small retail-pharmacy in the corner) Thank you Krzysztof, Renata, Robert and and and you all.
16. Jan. 2018 - As of now, every TEDESKA will get a uniform for the way to its new home. Packaging boxes, designed by Francesca Lee, eventually arrived.
1. May. 2018 - The genesis of "Cedars" of TEDESKA - My guitar, the Antonio Marin Montero, is a spruce one. I like the sound of the guitars which have a sound board made of spruce. The timbre of them is clear but still filigree. Since I could call my Marin my own, I've loved it and I've enjoyed it. Maybe this was the reason why my cartridge making was somehow heading in the direction so far. Adding boron cantilevers to my program, the sort of characteristics are even more pronounced. But "Why does it have to be?" "What about 'Matthias Dammann'?" M. Dammann is a producer of classic guitars who likes to work with "Ceder", an another sort of tone wood with another characteristics of sound. These thoughts overcame me on that day as I opened my material cabinet. A melody played by his beautiful cedar-made guitar popped into my head. "Cedar.... Cedar..." It must have been quite a while before I discovered a small box in the cabinet that kept smiling and waving at me. I opened it. In there, was a thing that was wrapped in the veil of oblivion which reminded me of the old lecture from a dear master. It was more than a decade ago when I had read his study. "Ok. it's time to try out!" I took it out of the cabinet. Now I am able to validate his concerns and pay homage to his principles. "Cedar"
20. Mar. 2018 - Stereo cartridge 4th generation - The first example from the TEDESKA Stereo "Solid Core" line has been tested successfully. It is actually a development of the third generation (DST201ua) from 2017, but the sound characteristics are changed so much, and much of them in a positive way, that makes it indispensable for me to differentiate from the former. The combination of a air core coil generator and a totally new winding technology must have worked. Armed with a boron cantilever, the line inherited yet the character "a" because none of the examples from the 3rd generation is distributed as yet. I personally would name the line "Impressionist". I wonder how many people will agree with me. The character "b" is reserved for the TEDESKA "Progressive" line. The line retained the existing TEDESKA characteristics more in comparison to Solid Cores. Taking extra advantages of boron cantilever, the cartridges of this line will be "grand pianos" among our products which will provide us, customers as well as me, with versatile possibilities of use as well as of customize.
20. Apr. 2018 - Today, I saw my website traffic suddenly shot up and almost simultaneously,I ran into a facebook message with photos that are quite familiar to me. "Why am I so famous once more? What happened?" I asked myself. - TEDESKA is introduced anew in English on STEREO Magazine - Issue#15 2018/ Page 45 - written by Matthias Böde Read now / Download What a surprise! Thank you very, very much STEREO Team! STEREO publishing
10 -13. May. 2018 - New cartridges DST201ua (Solid-Core line) & DST201ub (Progressive Line), as well as DST201lc (Cedar) were presented for the first time in High-End Munich 2018. Unfortunately, one of the DST201ub model, samarium cobalt variation, could not be brought into operation because it was damaged during assembly. If it were not for the incident, the demonstration would be more colorful. Anyway, for the first time was also that we had a vitrine with self made acryl-cubes. The effort to drill them must have been quite worthwhile because some of the interested parties asked us whether the cartridges will be supplied with the acryl-cubes. :) .... Unfortunately No .... Shortly before the end of the show, one of the DST201ua was picked up by Mr. Fremer from Stereophile. More Photos
25. May. 2018 - A beautiful photo of TEDESKA new showcase with a brief comment is published in HIFISTATEMENT Fair report.
16 -17. June. 2018 - TEDESKA made a debut in Japan on OTOTEN Audio-Visual Festival 2018. Due to time constraints, our DST201ub had to meet alone with the Japanese customers in Tokyo. Nevertheless, "Everyone was totally impressed" reported Mr. Asahi in writing immediately after the show.
26. July. 2018 - TEDESKA was introduced for the first time in Japanese on a leading print audio magazine 管球王国. Information about the publisher & the magazine, please see our Posting
Image source : www amazon.co.jp
21. August. 2018 - A beautiful review in Japanese written by Mr. 井上千岳 is released in Audio Accessory Japan. Under the rubric "Recommended Products", were TEDESKAs 3 stereo half-inch systems, DST201u & -ub as well as -ua were introduced by comparing.
Information about the publisher & the magazine, please see our Posting
Image source : www amazon.co.jp
12. September. 2018 - Originally, I haven't been in favour of needle protection. Because a needle guard is always a thing that offers security and causes damages at the same time. I have fixed hundreds of examples that became damaged during the assembly or disassembly of such cover. Yet, the first generation of needle protection is launched in Japan due to high demand. I hope it provides a feeling of safety and therefore ensures optimum usage for Japanese customers. Instruction
15. September. 2018 - One more review in Japanese released on ANALOG. This special report is written by Mr. Yoshio Obara, decorated with beautiful photos taken by 田代法生. Since I cannot understand Japanese at all, I was waiting for my wife, with full of curiosity of course, to translate the article for me. But as soon as she started to read the article, she gave me the printings back and said smilingly "I can no longer" Being surprised, I yelled at her "Why?" She gazed at me a few more seconds and snatched the printings out of my hand back and started translating sentence by sentence. <古今東西, 私が思う工房的カートリッジ・ブランドの職人を挙げてみると・・・・・・・・・・・そこに東洋人のマスターが加わろうとしている。> Hearing her translation, I could somehow understand her reaction shortly before. Maybe the same thought had occurred to me. Anyway, that my name was called amongst real masters of cartridge manufacturing of the world, was really the greatest appreciation we’ve ever experienced. We both were very touched by the review. Posting
Image source : www amazon.co.jp
11. December. 2018 - A graceful review released in Stereophile. Mr. Fremer has written a review on our stereo half-inch model DST201ua. Information about the publisher & the magazine, please see our Posting
Image source : www amazon.com
12. December. 2018 - The first version of our product catalogue is now available for download
4. January. 2019 - New year new shape. We made some changes happen which are supposed to facilitate our packaging process. Let's see whether
⬅ this tiny solution for example, will prevent me from scribbling all around the cartridge.
I don't really think so.
20. February. 2019 - A new mono generator performance testing -"A big accomplishment"- An upgrade of mono EINS line is just around the corner.
The old versions of DT101u
8-10. March. 2019 - TEDESKA mono EINS line DT101u on 2019 Seoul International Audio Show.
Every cloud has a silver lining - TEDESKA -
14. March. 2019 - TEDESKA DST201ua is chosen for the "Recommended Components 2019 Edition" by Stereophile USA.
18. April. 2019 - TEDESKA won the first Grand Prix in Japan.
The Analog magazine Grand Prix 2019 Award goes to TEDESKA DST201ub.
29. April. 2019 - An additional idea moves to reality! Today, just two days before we planned to start to pack our suitcases for this year's High-End in Munich, a 2-year technical trial showed suddenly a dramatic shift and concluded successfully. The revised mono cartridge (DT101u) will be introduced to the public at Munich first, and then the relevant update services will be available for customers. About the new pre-tensioned axial mono generator, please see FAQ - Development - Q2
9 -12. May. 2019 - The upgraded mono DT101u as well as our new development, a stereo half-inch system with a neodymium magnet, were presented for the first time in High-End Munich 2019. This was the show for which we prepared especially for introducing the rich sound palette of TEDESKA line-ups. Under the direction of Mr. Reinhard Thöress, it was even possible for visitors to compare the sound of our DST201ua from solid-core line with the new stereo half-inch model (which had not been named yet) by listening twice for the same record one after another. It was very interesting not only for visitors but also for us because we can collect numerous valuable feedbacks on each model. Thanks to the unexpectedly large number of compliments, now the no name half-inch got the name "DST201uc" and it has been included in the product range. This model is structurally very similar to DST201ub. It is the lightest cartridge in our product portfolio, yet the sound is the most powerful and striking. Posting
13. May. 2019 - TEDESKA on PHILE WEB Audio fair reporting - Japanese
5. July. 2019 - The first official review in Korean is published. Despite the fact that I am a Korean and we have Korean customers for a long time, there haven't been any official review on any of our products in Korean so far. Even though our strategy had contributed to the condition, to some extent, it was certainly a happy event for us to have this review. It had taken quite long time but TEDESKA had reached Korea with its own force, not a second sooner because its manufacturer was a Korean. Posting
30-31. August. 2019 - TEDESKA took part in Brand-days in Seoul Korea 2019.
A two day seminar was held on 30 and 31 August 2019, under the headline "Welcome to the world of microcosms"
6. September. 2019 - The Seoul& of the Hankyoreh introduced me and my project again to the people in Seoul.
19. September. 2019 - TEDESKA DST201ua is chosen for the "Recommended Components 2019 Fall Edition" by Stereophile USA.
26. September. 2019 - TEDESKA on Brand-report in Hifi-club Online magazine. in Korean.
2-3. November. 2019 - Krefeld AAA 2019 - At the kind invitation of Sperling Audio team, TEDESKA could welcome customers and visitors for the second time in this year in Krefeld Germany. The Amalfi, the very first prototype of TEDESKA headshell, was being tested throughout the whole time for its technical functionality, suitability for daily use and user acceptance. Thankfully, except for some optical deficits, it was proven to provide quite good usability. The next big question was how we offer our Amalfi to customers appropriately. On the long way back to Berlin, the issue needed to be debated intensively. Posting
7. November. 2019 - The upgraded TEDESKA mono "Eins" line has been available since end of April this year. FAQ-Development-Q2. It was certainly a considerable upgrade in various reasons and the favorable impacts are repeatedly confirmed by customers already. However, it isn't an issue for establishing a new line, we concluded, and we decided to offer a large-scale upgrade service. Our very first, and a very proud "official-recall" is released today.
19. September. 2019 - TEDESKA DST201ua is chosen for the "Recommended Components 2019 Fall Edition" by Stereophile USA.
19. March. 2020 - TEDESKA DST201ua is chosen for the "Recommended Components 2020 Edition" by Stereophile USA.
03. April. 2020 - TEDESKA special model Lacote /DST201uc won the Grand Prix in Japan.
The Analog magazine Grand Prix 2020 Award goes to TEDESKA DST201uc.
25. September. 2020 - TEDESKA DST201ua is chosen for the "Recommended Components 2020 Fall Edition" by Stereophile USA.
22. March. 2021 - TEDESKA DST201ua is chosen for the "Recommended Components 2021 Edition" by Stereophile USA.
25. May. 2021 - It all started with a simple question from a customer in Japan: "What kind of lead-wires do you use?" With the question, my general thought about the lead wires as well as my position regarding their function and the impact in a sound system must be redefined at first. The set of the wires we have made and developed till then for intern use was sent to Japan to help the customer and they became product samples. They were adapted and advanced together with the local workforces until it finally launched in Japan. Near the end of the product design, a special request was arrived to us, that was, adding a color-code system. It was quite a tricky task for us because we never have appreciated the use of such things, furthermore, we generally don't like to use heat-shrink tubing, something that could be the simplest solution for the case. After pondering over and over a way to get the wires ideally coded, the glass balls were chosen. We hope the idea will be largely assessed as being helpful by customers in Japan. The name GUTS are derived from the term “Catgut” Posting / GUTS series
5-10. Oct. 2021 - TEDESKA made its debut in Thierry Marlat Gallery Paris.
5-7. Nov. 2021 - The TORESS, equipped with pure silver wired generator was introduced in TIAS 2021, the 38th Tokyo internation audio show. Due to the pandemic, this model was launched in Japan earlier than in Germany.
24. Dec. 2021- Official start of TEDESKA TORRES is anounced in phileweb Japan. I cross my fingers for my Torres, not only, I really hope the name giver became more and more known and be loved in the world. The Torres is a name of beautiful ancient Guitar made by Antonio de Torres.
Andrew York plays "Home" on an 1888 Antonio de Torres (SE 115, ex Emilio Pujol)-https://youtu.be/6ajTcwJBbw4
27. Jan. 2022 - 22 modern mono cartridges in comparison - Over 20 pages of reviews only for mono pick-ups. I was surprised by the unique professionalism and the sophistication of the article and felt honoured to be invited to the reference products group.
19-22 Mai. 2022 - At the kind invitation of Admire Audio from Spain TEDESKA Dux & Cedar could collaborate with the beautiful Admire AA4 horn in High-End Munich.
July. 2022 - The very first review in Chinese.
Torres of TEDESKA was introduced in Hi Fi音響 Hifi review Nr.433
July. 2022 - The very first review in Chinese.
Torres of TEDESKA was introduced in Hi Fi音響 Hifi review Nr.433